How to Survive Your First Year in the Trucking Business

How to Survive Your First Year in the Trucking Business

DAT TruckersEdge® – Aug. 2016

Many new trucking companies close their doors within the first year of operation. Why? There are a few of the common mistakes that I’ve seen owner-operators and small carriers make, and as a result I’ve seen a huge number of them close their doors before their first anniversary. Below are four of the most common mistakes a trucking company might make – plus ways you can avoid them.

The Next Step: Your Own Authority


The Next Step: Your Own Authority

Team Run Smart – March, 2013

WSTA’s/AAA&C’s Joe Rajkovacz wrote this article for the Freightliner Team Run Smart website. Jumping from being an owner-operator leased on with a motor carrier to actually becoming the motor carrier takes careful planning. Besides the obvious – where to get freight, there are many other steps to consider before moving forward (e.g. adequate operating capital, corporate structure, ability to get liability insurance coverage, etc.).